Uniformed Patrol Unit

The uniformed patrol unit consists of patrol officers conducting traffic enforcement and responding to calls for service. This unit consists of 3-4 marked police vehicles. The markings on the patrol cruisers have recently been changed to reflect a changing community.
The new markings on all patrol vehicles consist of black and silver reflective material with "SBPD" and "South Bloomfield Police" on each side of the cruiser. All material on the new packages are reflective, this increases the patrol officers safety while on traffic stops or working accident scenes. Also noticeable on the police vehicles are badges, which allow the department to pay respects when an officer is killed in the line of duty by displaying a mourning band across the badge. Police Cruiser numbers can be observed on the front bumper on each side of the vehicle and on the rear license plate. This allows each cruiser to be easily identified by other agencies as well as the public.
Officers assigned to this detail generally work local traffic problem areas as well as problem areas on USR 23. During peak times that have been observed by analyzing traffic reports, a pattern has formed indicating an increase in traffic accidents during specific time periods. During these times the public will generally observe patrol cruisers on USR 23 more so than normal times. This "high visibility effort" is a result of increased traffic accidents during peak hours, such as evening rush hour and times where there has been an increase in impaired driving.
Patrol Cruisers
Current patrol cruisers used by the police department consist of 3 Ford Police Interceptors and 1 Dodge Charger. The Dodge is the newest addition to the current police fleet and is the only one on patrol within the county. The patrol cruisers are used for general calls for service, traffic enforcement and serve as a deterrent as well as an immediately identifiable police vehicle.
The patrol cruisers are equipped with LED lightbars as well as other emergency lighting to assist in the officer being seen while on traffic stops, accident scenes, or responding to urgent calls.
Patrol cruisers are equipped with various tools to assist the officers through the ever unpredictable shift work that law enforcement officers are challenged with. Typical equipment such as traffic cones, flares, police tape, and lockout tools are contained in each vehicle. In addition, certain patrol cruisers have crime scene processing tools and criminal reference materials. Each patrol cruiser also contains a laptop which allows officers to request vehicle and driver information as well as request warrant checks and stolen vehicle inquiries. Having this tool available in the vehicle reduces the amount of work for dispatchers as well as reduces radio traffic between officers and dispatchers.
This allows officers to request information on vehicles and persons at a faster rate than normal requests through dispatchers. MDT's (Mobile Data Terminals) that are in the vehicle also allow officers to view drivers license photos. This has led to an increase in warrant arrests and reducing identity theft from offenders that have given officers false information when being requested. The MDT's also allow officers to keep a current patrol daily activity log as well as complete reports in the vehicle. This allows the officer to spend more time on the street and increases visibility, as opposed to being at the police department completing reports and charges.
Strategic Traffic Enforcement Program (S.T.E.P.)

Unfortunately in the past the South Bloomfield Division of Police has been titled as a speed trap. This is unfortunate as all officers working traffic enforcement, work to increase the safety of not only the local communities but that of the general motoring public.
The S.T.E.P. enforcement allows officers to look at specific trouble areas reported by the community and respond by heavy enforcement during times conveyed by the public. Common speeding problem areas worked within the community consist of the following:
1. Northup Ave. between S. Union St and Cedar Cove (25 MPH)
2. Nelson Dr. between Ashville Rd and Crites Dr. (25 MPH)
3. S. Union St. between Northup Ave. and Bloomfield Hills Dr. (25 MPH)
4. Bloomfield Hills Dr. between USR 23 and Richard Ave. (25 MPH)
5. SR 316 between Scioto Landing and Danielson Circle (50 MPH)
6. SR 316 between USR 23 and Danielson Circle (35 MPH - School Drop off)
7. USR 23 Northbound between Little Walnut and Cooks Creek (55 MPH)
8. USR 23 Southbound between Cooks Creek and Little Walnut (55 MPH)
9. Ashville Rd. between USR 23 and Nelson Dr. (35 MPH)
S.T.E.P. also focuses on enforcement of other accident causing offenses such as failing to obey traffic control devices (red lights and stop signs), following to close, and failing to use turn signals during lane changes, or unsafe lane changes. These offenses have been common in the following areas and are worked by S.T.E.P. as needed:
1. USR 23 and SR 316 West (Traffic Light) - This intersection shows the highest amount of traffic accidents occurring
2. USR 23 and SR 316 East (Traffic Light)
3. Lee Rd and Crites Dr. (Stop Sign)
4. S. Union St. and W. Main St. (Stop Sign)
5. S. Union St. and W. Second St. (Stop Sign)
6. USR 23 between SR 316 W and Ashville Rd (Following To Close and Unsafe Lane Change) - Typically observed during rush hour and when impatient drivers are waiting on other drivers making left turns.
Please remember as State and Federal funding support other community S.T.E.P. programs, no funding has been pursued or attempted to assist in this enforcement. The increased traffic enforcement in these areas are done by patrol officers that want to see the community proud of the work the police department is doing, and to reduce accidents, as well as increase safety for those using the roadways.