Dear Visitor,

I would like to take the opportunity to thank you for visiting the South Bloomfield Division of Police website. As our community continues to grow, we continue to focus on increased patrol efforts, effective proactive crime enforcement, and networking with the community and other law enforcement agencies. As we are the fastest growing community in northern Pickaway County, I want my agency and officers to be prepared for events that can typically plague larger communities and in doing such make sure we are available to the community as well as offer you the opportunity to bring issues to us that may need greater attention and involvement.

Our agency is always interested in what we can do to increase safety and security within the community. As such, our website makes available many resources to the community. For example, our website allows the community to report traffic problem areas where people may be running stop signs, speeding, or committing other violations. It also allows residents to submit vacation or business check requests for patrol officers to increase patrols of your house or business, as well as submit crime problems such as suspected drug areas where increased patrol efforts should be made. We will also make the community aware of crime alerts, and offer training to the community in various areas from protecting assets in your home to detecting possible drug activity to bike safety for your children.
It is my goal that although the community may continue to grow, to keep an open door policy and make myself available to you and keep the small town personality in my office. It is also my goal to make sure my staff, officers and supervisors are receiving up to date training and are offered continuing education opportunities to make sure we are "ahead of the game, instead of behind the eight-ball" as this community continues to flourish.
Please make sure you are obeying all the traffic laws, keep an eye on your neighbors, and extend an inviting hand to those around you. As the community works together with us, we will continue to enjoy safe and secure neighborhoods.
Our website will be continually updated with new information and photos, so please continue to stop by and see what is new in the Village of South Bloomfield, if you don't live may want to think about it!
Yours in public safety
Chief Kendall G. McCoy